The world first and only OC Commentary podcast track

PortlandCA is the only OC podcast that is also and OC commentary. Join Josh, Cory and Josh as we watch the soaring highs and lowing lows of The OC. Sandy Cohen approved

Episode 13: The Pot Stirrer and The Fast and the Furious


This week we find out about Matt Striker and act esotreric. Cory is very into goofs, and he may just be a bit of a goof himself. We are straight shooters, if there's a goof, we call it out. JDS shows his true self when he puts down Queen Latifah because she's black. You get to relive the past with JAH and CJH in a long discussion about Living Single. And then things get Fast, and Furious. Then they get 2 Fast and 2 Furious. 

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 47.83MB - Duration: 48:23 m (138 kbps 48000 Hz)

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